If someone from one unit of an organization creates a new account, will he/she be able to “see” and submit all the proposals made by the organization? Is it possible to modify and submit only one proposal?
The user with “Submit AF” role can see (and submit) all proposals.
The user without “Submit AF” and access to all proposals of the organization can see his proposal at any status and all proposals after their approval by the MA.The user without “Submit AF” and access only to his projects can see only his proposals/projects.
Since there are 4 potential beneficiaries tables in the concept note - can we remove the unnecessary ones if there are only two partners (for example...)? Or do we write N/A in the tables?
You may add or omit tables if necessary in this section of the concept note depending on the number of partners you have in your project proposal.
What kind of supporting documents do we need to present to justify the specific budget lines? At Stage A Concept note and at Stage B Project Proposals?
No supporting documents are required at this stage (Stage A). All needed supporting documents will be submitted in Stage B according to the relevant information which will be given analytically in the relevant Call for Project Proposals.
The proposal is prepared by all beneficiaries and is submitted by the Lead Beneficiary. Should it be signed only by the lead beneficiary?
The project proposal should be signed only by the legal representative of the Lead Beneficiary
Should all beneficiaries be registered in MIS?
For the submission of the Concept Note, only the Lead Beneficiary is necessary to be registered in the MIS.
However, for the submission of the Application Form – at the STAGE B’ of the procedure – all the Beneficiaries should be registered in the MIS. We strongly recommend, all Potential Beneficiaries to be registered in the MIS from the begging of the procedure.
Is there any limitation of words or characters in the Concept Note Document?
As far as the length of the Concept Note is concerned, there is no word or character limit on the length of the Concept Note. Nevertheless, in general, all parts in the Concept Note must be answered concise and comprehensive.
Is there a minimum or maximum requirement for the number of output and result indicators a project must have? Are there expected target numbers for each project?
There are no maximum or minimum requirements for the number of the selected indicators that a project proposal must have.
However, the output and result indicators selected and analyzed by the potential beneficiaries are crucial for the successful assessment of the project proposal and in particular:
During the evaluation of the Stage A – see Concept Note Evaluation Grid, criterion 11, and during the evaluation of the Stage B – see Quality Assessment Phase B2, part A2 criterion (a) & (b)
Is it mandatory the Project proposal to contribute to all Programme Output Indicators for the relevant Specific Objective?
Project applicants are invited to submit their Project application under one of the Specific Objectives of the Programme. The Project objectives and the proposed activities shall be clear and in‐line with the Programme Priorities and both shall have an impact on the Greece-Bulgaria area. Each Project is asked to select those indicators that will fit best to the planned results and outputs of the Project. Therefore, a Project applicant can apply a Project proposal only under one Specific Objective and select only the best suitable indicators (see Programme Output & Result Indicators Guide). In any case, each Project is treated as a whole and shall be evaluated as such.
Are the submitted project proposals evaluated per Priority or per Specific Objective?
The submitted project proposals are evaluated and ranked per Specific Objective. Beneficiaries may submit more than one project proposal at the same Specific Objective. In this case, in which the same organization is participating in more than one project proposal, the proposals are competitive.
Do we have to select only one Specific Objective or can we submit a proposal in more than one?
Project applicants are invited to submit their Project application under one of the Specific Objectives of the Programme. The Project objectives and the proposed activities shall be clear and in‐line with the Programme Priorities and both shall have an impact on the Greece-Bulgaria area. Each Project is asked to select those indicators that will fit best to the particular planned results and outputs of the Project. Therefore, a Project applicant can apply a Project proposal only under one Specific Objective.
In case a Project Proposal is rejected after the evaluation procedure, is there a legal administrative complaint procedure to submit our complaints?
During the Evaluation Procedure an administrative “Complaint Procedure” is foreseen:
• After the completion of the Stage A’ / Concept Note Evaluation
• After the completion of the Stage B’ – Phase B1 & B2 / Administrative & Quality Assessment
• After the completion of Stage B’ – Phase B3 / Eligibility & State Aid check
If we will participate in more than five (5) project proposals, which will be the consequences? Will all the project proposals in which we will participate be rejected?
In case a potential Beneficiary will participate in more than five (5) proposals, not all the Project Proposals will be rejected. The first five (5) Project Proposals submitted via MIS will be assessed, the other will be rejected before the evaluation. If all the proposals are submitted during the same day then the time of submission will be the essential criterion for the acceptance or rejection of the proposal.
Does the limitation for a beneficiary to participate in five (5) project proposals apply on Priority of Specific Objective base?
The limitation of maximum five (5) participations apply at Call level – not at the Priority of Specific Objective level.
What is the limitation for a Beneficiary to participate in project proposals? Does this limitation apply for a specific category of Beneficiary e.g. Lead Beneficiary or Beneficiary?
A potential Beneficiary may participate up to five (5) Project Proposals in total for this Call. The above limit applies to all types of Beneficiaries, Lead Beneficiary or Project Beneficiary.
Which will be the documentation needed in this call for the justification of the land and/or buildings property (in the 2nd phase)?
During the 2nd Stage and taking into consideration the input of the project proposals Concept Notes, further instruction will be provided.