The European Commission, DG REGIO commissioned the elaboration of a Handbook on Cross-Border Energy Communities. We are inviting you to support the study with filling out the present survey.
This survey aims to collect information relevant for the development and implementation of cross-border energy communities.
Your contribution to this survey is crucial to collect information relevant for the development and implementation of cross-border energy communities. The questions focus on existing communities, those under development and other cross-border energy related activities as well as obstacles and solutions encountered in this context. Completing the survey will take about 15 minutes, depending on the variety of your insights in the different aspects of CBEC and / or Q-CBEC.
The survey is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish and you may answer open questions in any EU language. Please provide your answers by 15 February 2024.
Information collected through the survey will be treated anonymously. Individual answers provided will not be shared with the European Commission. Personal data will not be stored or communicated to third parties. Any information collected will be used only in accordance with your confirmation in the survey and the privacy statement attached to the survey.