This competition is open to all Interreg projects and programmes, and the theme for this year’s campaign is “Stories of inclusion and empowerment.”
These stories should be connected to the communication topic of European values, including Human dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Rule of law and Human rights.
In particular, we are seeking stories from projects that focus on providing equal access to education, health, and work.
We are also interested in projects that promote diversity appreciation through partnerships and the building of inclusive community relationships.
We believe that the majority of Interreg projects are aligned with these values, either directly or indirectly.
Projects from previous periods are also eligible to participate, so we invite you to communicate this opportunity to your projects and encourage them to submit their proposals as soon as possible.
The Interreg Slam contest proposals offer various benefits, including winning the production of a professional promo video, receiving coaching by a top-level expert in storytelling and video-making and a live performance at the Interreg GO! event 2025, a key stage of the Nova Gorica/Gorizia European Capital of Culture.

To support your storytelling process, we will be hosting two
training webinars on June 3rd and June 10th.

All the information about documentation, rules and upcoming events is available on the Interact website: https://interact.eu/news/83